Community is his calling...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

TWTD: Help comes in all Ages & Sizes

A vast amount of teenagers and college students believe that they are unable to help create a better world because they are in the process of learning and don’t wish to fail. I was one of them students who believed that I was unable to do much for my city as of now because I was only a student to the teachers who knew much more than I did. However, I now believe otherwise because I have witnessed many college students standing up for equality and peace throughout the world. I now plan to join the battle to better the world once again.
 I was motivated after hearing about current college students at Drexel University in Philadelphia taking action and helping the less fortunate. These Drexel students are motivated and mentored by a sociology and criminology professor name Cyndi Reed-Rickards who helps the student get involved with a program called LIFT which allows the students the opportunity to mentor and education those who can’t get access to a computer to look for jobs, find housing, and created accounts needed to better their chance of success. Rickards explained that the students come ready to work three hours a day willing to help anyone who walk through their doors. I want to take this time to congratulate those Drexel students who participate in this righteous and well-respected act.
Finding motivation to do missionary work and helpers is not so hard to locate in Philadelphia, but finding a Christ like solution and funding is very difficult. However, if one choose to do it through a community or non- profitable organization and ask God for guidance. The missionary work will be done through the will and grace of God. 


  1. hey Derrick. Thankx for the link man, you continue to inspire and your life speaks loudly to those who walk behind. Keep on doing the positive you do and being open and honest about where you mess up and get it wrong [as we all do] - you are already and are going to be a part of the change you want to see in K and A and beyond...
    strength in Him [John 15]
    love brett fish

  2. Man what a good word what a good way to speak of justice we can do in the here and now.

  3. THis post is great!! You really know how to connect with the readers. Cant wait to read more of your posts!!
