Community is his calling...

Monday, March 19, 2012

TWTD: Call For Equality

I would like to open up with a question to the public, “How could a city put down those who are at their all-time low?” The city of Philadelphia (brotherly love) just passed a bill allowing Philadelphia Police to act against panhandling and those who are homeless without calling outreach to the people. 
This is a very disappointing act performed by the city of Philadelphia. Just a few weeks ago we had several people who believed this bill was just unfair and unjust to the homeless people of Philadelphia as well as the public. I believe there are many people who are against this bill in the city of Philadelphia who are fighting to do whatever it is they can to provide assistance for the homeless and those who are in need. For example, TSW (The Simple Way) has joined marches and protest session to stop this unjust act committed by the city of Philadelphia. I encourage many others to join the battle because you will never know when you or if you will be homeless and in need for assistance from the public.