Community is his calling...

Thursday, January 1, 2015

TWTD: A Helping Hand

I am blessed to have made it to my senior year in college at Eastern University. I am looking for a little help to complete college strongly and you can help me by just simply clicking on this link labeled A Helping Hand and sponsoring me to gain a free scholarship (no money needed just your name and email). I really appreciate your help and effort. Love you all and so does God. Happy New Year! #2015

Monday, September 8, 2014

TWTD: Being on time for a flight to justice: Reflections from a trip to Ferguson with Shane Claiborne

A sunflower from the Potter street garden for Mike Brown
While the police of Ferguson seemed to demand order, the citizens of Ferguson demanded justice After almost two weeks of hearing the media’s view and  daily updates on the seemingly tragic, frustrating and chaotic story unfolding in Ferguson, Missouri, both Shane and I thought about a way to get between each crease. What better way to fully understand the issue in Ferguson then going to the city itself. Our journey began bright and early as we arose to complete our morning prayer from the prayer book titled “Common Prayer” at eight in the morning. Just after ending with the prayer for Kensington, we set off to catch an early flight that Shane struggled to book the night before. Traffic seemed to be moving smoothly and the air smelled fresher than ever; however, we still ran into a bit of a road block. Shane’s wife Katie noticed that our tickets were accidentally booked for the following weekend as we discussed our possible post incarceration plan. Remaining in high spirits, we decided to deal with the ticket once we arrive at airport.

As we arrived at the airport, we quickly rushed to a customer service representative for an gracious attempt to change the date and time of our flight. As if it they were expecting bad weather at the airport, things were not looking good for Shane and I. I began to wonder if were being given a sign from above that our attendance in Ferguson was not necessary. As I could see planes taking off into the air, I noticed our plans began to do the same due to Shane’s huge smile upon his face as he talked to his travel agent on the phone. We were able to be fully refunded of our previous order due to the airways 24 hour refund policy and we were also able to purchase new tickets for a flight in a few hours from Philadelphia connecting to Chicago then to St. Louis. Shane and I had some time before our flight, so we decided to grab a quick breakfast and spend the rest of our time chatting about how excited we are to travel to Missouri. In the midst of our chatter, we were able to snag seats on an earlier flight.

  We touched down in Chicago and it seemed as if we felt the blow of the windy city immediately as we walked into the airport due to the good air conditioning units in each terminal. Things seemed to blow along as Shane and I were able to snag another set of seat on an earlier flight to St. Louis. As we strolled off our flight in excitement with our “fancy” shirts and pants on, we noticed that we forgot to check the weather in St. Louis. Similar to a paid limo driver, a wall of heat with our names written on a poster board stood at the entrance of the St. Louis airport. Luckily, we had rented a rental car with good gas millage and a decent air conditioning unit.

  We met up with a few friends who had came down a few days before and headed to the memorial where Mike Brown had been shot and killed. Parking nearly a block away from the memorial, we noticed a line of roses leading up to the spot where Mike Brown was shot and killed by Darren Wilson. Emotions began to flare as I noticed a crowd of people still surrounding the memorial after nearly two weeks. I began to question my emotions and ask myself why is it that I began to feel sad. The answer became evident with each step towards the large pile of cards, posters and stuffed animals. I then noticed that it was not only a group of people mourning for a lost, but it is a city and/or an entire race that bewails for a lost. Police brutality has taken another life.

  Shane and I share a moment of eye contact as both of our filled up with tears while thinking how sad it is that these types of death has become a norm in America. According to the FBI’s statistics of reportedly “justifiable homicides,” records showed that nearly two times each week a black male or female lost his/her life to a white police officer from 2005 to 2012. There was an average of 96 incidents out of a total of 400 police killings similar to Mike Brown’s each year. It was not only the death that stood before us that originated tears, but it was the number of others as well. It is shocking to find that although the majority, elite or dominating race in America continues to be the Caucasians race, according to census completed each year, a large number of statistical data shows that in 2011 the minority groups were leading in deaths by homicide for ages 15-34. African Americans being ranked number one with almost 45%. What is truly saddening is that I could have easily been another number added to the FBI statistical data.

  As we all cleared our eyes while walking away from the memorial, we stop to create a prayer circle to pray for the families, cities and nations that are hurting around the world. It was then clear that our attendance in Ferguson was very necessary. Afterwards, we noticed children gathering to decorate posters with powerful words and phrases from magazine and newspaper  such as “justice,” “nonviolence,” and “Stop the killing.” This seemed therapeutic for the children because they were able to express their pain for a neighbor, relative or good friend through positive actions. Shane and I decided to stop and help the children create a voice against violence. We then set off to view the block where the protest would be.

  As we arrived on Florissant Avenue, we noticed how in only two hours the sidewalks were filled with determined protesters shouting for a common cause. All in that time, there had gathered both distant and local churches, organizations, and new reporters.Within minutes of everyone gathering, people began to march down the sidewalk while chanting, “We are young, we are strong, we are marching all night long!” Shane and I decided to join this movement, step after step, as we spoke with local pastors and protesters who shared their reason for marching. They all seemed to stress that they did not want officer Darren Wilson to be sentenced to death in prison or even killed at all, but all they really wanted was justice and for America and all police forces to acknowledge that their way of practice should be rethought. They believed that the movement, that those who are oppose would title as chaotic, violent or agitating, for the death of young black men such as Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown and Sean Bell are only a voice of many many people. So after speaking with pastors and protesters, Shane and I proudly marched from 6:30 pm until 2:30 am while shouting, “We are young, we are strong, we are marching all night long!”

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

TWTD: KIWR = Brighter Future

Over many years of observing people and how others address them, I have concluded that satisfying people are quite like a battery. When we focus on the negative someone has produced it only influences more negativity. If all we heard about in the newspapers and on the news was the shocking and violent activity that happens in the world everyday, the number of deaths would only increase. So what if we focus on the positive someone has done? Can it produce more Positive actions? However, I am not suggesting we sugar coat the bad that exist throughout the world, but only that we stop setting a trend of hopelessness and start influencing a movement of dream chasers. As you scroll down social media sights and video broadcasting networks you find our youth using terms like "Turn Up" as a reason to become a young alcoholic or "YOLO" to become prostitutes, strippers, addicts, or drug dealers (which just sounds like a future behind bars from where I am from). 
However, there is a organization that believes in a brighter future  for our youth. This encouraging organization is called, "Kick'n It With Rick

Kick'n it with Rick is a web series talk show that interviews teens, children, and young adults who are participating in or organizing positive activities, events, or most importantly a lifestyle.
In order to charge up our future we must put positive to positive. This YouTube series will encourage many lost or discourage youth to dream big and utilize their resources by promoting and honoring those who have previously or currently done it. 

In order to charge up our future we must put positive to positive.
You can support the birth of this program here. KIWR

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

TWTD: Faster = Better?

       How often do you hear the words “faster” throughout your daily life? For Instance cellular phones are becoming “better and better” every year because another level of G is coming out (2G, 3G, and now 4G). Also there are cars that have engines being worked on and upgraded to pump its pistons even faster to allow the car to pick up faster speeds. Whether is applies to technology, machinery or even traveling, is what makes the world “faster” actually better? For example, how often does that super thin 4G phone screen cracks or have technical difficulties? How many people die from speeding on highways/interstates in cars designed to reach ridiculous speeds? 
       I can understand that for some people the definition of a better world is advanced technology and a world where we can travel within seconds or do things with a lack of assistance or even having a robot as your very own house maid.  Although this may sound like the life to many people I believe this is not the life that God wishes for us all. I believe that if we continue to let everyday task and jobs become faster we actually become the robots that those futuristic lovers hope for.  To have everything at your command and your speed is what self centered politicians want and if we agree with them we then become their little drone following their every command. I heard many people say that the world is changing and we must tag alone. This is not true. However, I am not saying this means you stand up and fight against technology within your society because that would be taking us into the story line of terminator or some sort. But what I am saying is that you are not obligated to continue at this fast past of the world, but you can decide to slow down and enjoy what’s around you.  

        For Instance, when was the last time you noticed the growth of trees around your neighborhood or how the rain cycle works before you actually feel a drop. These are both things controlled by God that becomes a beautiful sight once you remind yourself of how it’s done and actually witness it first-hand. Try to notice the beautiful work of God around you as much as possible. In today’s society you see severally people in the downtown or city hall area of your city go to work and head straight back home without any conversation to someone outside of their workplace (don’t worry I was once one of those people as well). I believe those kinds of people and I was once afraid of confrontation. I encourage those who found many of the things I described noticeable traits or habits of their own to slow down and notice God’s gifts all around you because becoming too fast can lead to your downfall just like the screen of that new Mytouch 4G phone. I encourage those obviously too busy employees to share a conversation with at least one new person every two days because you will then make a small and unfinished replica of the world that God has planned for us. Try to create and live in the world that God has planned for us and not the fast moving society that us human’s designed.

Trip Lee (Christian Rapper with Reach Records) speaks about us falling into the cycle of the world and becoming Robots.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

TWTD: No More Injustice

        Injustice is a growing crisis not only within the neighborhoods within every city, but around the world. People are being under paid or underfed because some believe the people who make the final decisions should be getting paid the large amount of money their being paid now. I encourage many to notice and become well informed of these issues of injustice and speak out to stop them also while thinking of ways you or friends and family could start on stopping this unequal act of injustice. Remember that one voice can barely be heard while a choir could sing to wake the entire city meaning one must speak to the citizen of the neighborhood and get their assistant in stopping these hateful acts.

Monday, April 23, 2012

TWTD: Who’s the true peacemaker? The LORD or the Law Enforcers?

When you’re in need of protection who do you call? Could it be the Ghost Busters? The Police? Well obviously it’s the Police because you would only call the Ghost Buster if there are ghost around. Why is it that we call upon the Police to handle man caused situations or problems? How is it that we call upon a sinner to handle someone’s sin being recognized or seen as an illegal issue or problem? I believe that you cannot call upon man to completely handle a man caused situation. We as humans tend to take man maid laws or gifts and believe in them as if they were the best gift/law you received. However, you should call upon the LORD who truly knows and understand the issue first. Call upon the LORD who will handle the situation with the up most equality and fairness. The Lord is the most righteous and just God I know. Clearly, I’m not encouraging you put down the phone to call the Police when you’re in need of help with whatever the situation may be, but to not come to praise man made laws and materials because God’s laws and gifts are far greater. Put no man-made object or law before the Lords because his gift or law is the key to a better place after life (Heaven).
I will also like to speak about the act of sin. Although we all will sin, sin should not be seen as an acceptable requirement, but as a requirement full of lessons for a human being. When one sins it should not be acknowledged or full confronted by another sinner, but acknowledged by the sinner who has sinned. This means one should not be mentally, verbally or physical abused for sinning, but loved and helped to learn from their sinful mistakes. You may be wondering how I can help someone learn from his/her mistake without acknowledging this issue. You must should the sinner the right way through example and love. This will make the sinner noticed right from wrong, and they would hopefully learn from their sinful mistakes to avoid similar mistake in the future. This also brings about the act of showing Love for your neighbors. If you notice a friend doing something that is wrong in the eyes of God, it would be unloving for you to let them continue to do wrong. If you love your neighbor that means you love them enough to help them change for the best of our almighty God. God is always forgiving and loving. God does not possess the qualities of love, but he is Love.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

TWTD: Help comes in all Ages & Sizes

A vast amount of teenagers and college students believe that they are unable to help create a better world because they are in the process of learning and don’t wish to fail. I was one of them students who believed that I was unable to do much for my city as of now because I was only a student to the teachers who knew much more than I did. However, I now believe otherwise because I have witnessed many college students standing up for equality and peace throughout the world. I now plan to join the battle to better the world once again.
 I was motivated after hearing about current college students at Drexel University in Philadelphia taking action and helping the less fortunate. These Drexel students are motivated and mentored by a sociology and criminology professor name Cyndi Reed-Rickards who helps the student get involved with a program called LIFT which allows the students the opportunity to mentor and education those who can’t get access to a computer to look for jobs, find housing, and created accounts needed to better their chance of success. Rickards explained that the students come ready to work three hours a day willing to help anyone who walk through their doors. I want to take this time to congratulate those Drexel students who participate in this righteous and well-respected act.
Finding motivation to do missionary work and helpers is not so hard to locate in Philadelphia, but finding a Christ like solution and funding is very difficult. However, if one choose to do it through a community or non- profitable organization and ask God for guidance. The missionary work will be done through the will and grace of God.