When you’re in need of protection who do you call? Could it be the Ghost Busters? The Police? Well obviously it’s the Police because you would only call the Ghost Buster if there are ghost around. Why is it that we call upon the Police to handle man caused situations or problems? How is it that we call upon a sinner to handle someone’s sin being recognized or seen as an illegal issue or problem? I believe that you cannot call upon man to completely handle a man caused situation. We as humans tend to take man maid laws or gifts and believe in them as if they were the best gift/law you received. However, you should call upon the LORD who truly knows and understand the issue first. Call upon the LORD who will handle the situation with the up most equality and fairness. The Lord is the most righteous and just God I know. Clearly, I’m not encouraging you put down the phone to call the Police when you’re in need of help with whatever the situation may be, but to not come to praise man made laws and materials because God’s laws and gifts are far greater. Put no man-made object or law before the Lords because his gift or law is the key to a better place after life (Heaven).
I will also like to speak about the act of sin. Although we all will sin, sin should not be seen as an acceptable requirement, but as a requirement full of lessons for a human being. When one sins it should not be acknowledged or full confronted by another sinner, but acknowledged by the sinner who has sinned. This means one should not be mentally, verbally or physical abused for sinning, but loved and helped to learn from their sinful mistakes. You may be wondering how I can help someone learn from his/her mistake without acknowledging this issue. You must should the sinner the right way through example and love. This will make the sinner noticed right from wrong, and they would hopefully learn from their sinful mistakes to avoid similar mistake in the future. This also brings about the act of showing Love for your neighbors. If you notice a friend doing something that is wrong in the eyes of God, it would be unloving for you to let them continue to do wrong. If you love your neighbor that means you love them enough to help them change for the best of our almighty God. God is always forgiving and loving. God does not possess the qualities of love, but he is Love.
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