Community is his calling...

Monday, April 23, 2012

TWTD: Who’s the true peacemaker? The LORD or the Law Enforcers?

When you’re in need of protection who do you call? Could it be the Ghost Busters? The Police? Well obviously it’s the Police because you would only call the Ghost Buster if there are ghost around. Why is it that we call upon the Police to handle man caused situations or problems? How is it that we call upon a sinner to handle someone’s sin being recognized or seen as an illegal issue or problem? I believe that you cannot call upon man to completely handle a man caused situation. We as humans tend to take man maid laws or gifts and believe in them as if they were the best gift/law you received. However, you should call upon the LORD who truly knows and understand the issue first. Call upon the LORD who will handle the situation with the up most equality and fairness. The Lord is the most righteous and just God I know. Clearly, I’m not encouraging you put down the phone to call the Police when you’re in need of help with whatever the situation may be, but to not come to praise man made laws and materials because God’s laws and gifts are far greater. Put no man-made object or law before the Lords because his gift or law is the key to a better place after life (Heaven).
I will also like to speak about the act of sin. Although we all will sin, sin should not be seen as an acceptable requirement, but as a requirement full of lessons for a human being. When one sins it should not be acknowledged or full confronted by another sinner, but acknowledged by the sinner who has sinned. This means one should not be mentally, verbally or physical abused for sinning, but loved and helped to learn from their sinful mistakes. You may be wondering how I can help someone learn from his/her mistake without acknowledging this issue. You must should the sinner the right way through example and love. This will make the sinner noticed right from wrong, and they would hopefully learn from their sinful mistakes to avoid similar mistake in the future. This also brings about the act of showing Love for your neighbors. If you notice a friend doing something that is wrong in the eyes of God, it would be unloving for you to let them continue to do wrong. If you love your neighbor that means you love them enough to help them change for the best of our almighty God. God is always forgiving and loving. God does not possess the qualities of love, but he is Love.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

TWTD: Help comes in all Ages & Sizes

A vast amount of teenagers and college students believe that they are unable to help create a better world because they are in the process of learning and don’t wish to fail. I was one of them students who believed that I was unable to do much for my city as of now because I was only a student to the teachers who knew much more than I did. However, I now believe otherwise because I have witnessed many college students standing up for equality and peace throughout the world. I now plan to join the battle to better the world once again.
 I was motivated after hearing about current college students at Drexel University in Philadelphia taking action and helping the less fortunate. These Drexel students are motivated and mentored by a sociology and criminology professor name Cyndi Reed-Rickards who helps the student get involved with a program called LIFT which allows the students the opportunity to mentor and education those who can’t get access to a computer to look for jobs, find housing, and created accounts needed to better their chance of success. Rickards explained that the students come ready to work three hours a day willing to help anyone who walk through their doors. I want to take this time to congratulate those Drexel students who participate in this righteous and well-respected act.
Finding motivation to do missionary work and helpers is not so hard to locate in Philadelphia, but finding a Christ like solution and funding is very difficult. However, if one choose to do it through a community or non- profitable organization and ask God for guidance. The missionary work will be done through the will and grace of God. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

TWTD: Stereotypes are Destroying our Future

How often are teens put into a category representing violence? This is within the norm to a Philadelphia citizen because many teens are behaving in violent and ways. However, I believe all teens are being punished and looked at as vigilantes. Many teens are being stereotyped based on their appearance, race, sex, and possibly their birthplace. American children and teens are the future of America and if we continue to be put down and marked as tools of destruction and violence then our future only calls for far worst destruction and violence. I would like to shine on those teens that tend to stand up for them and fight against their stereotypes. How often are teens blamed for disturbing the peace or disrupting and destroying someone’s property? Stereotypes are beginning to become a huge cause for many hateful crimes.
For Instance, the most popular story today is the Trayvon Martin story about a 17 year old African American boy killed because he was seemingly thought to be a threat by a Hispanic neighborhood watch guard named George Zimmerman. Zimmerman proceeded to approach Trayvon after being told not to follow the young boy by the police which lead to a fist fight battle of the fittest. Zimmerman then felt the need to shoot the 17 year old boy multiple times taking his life. This whole altercation happened Florida where the self-defense rule stands, so Zimmerman still goes without arrest and many people are becoming furious do to injustice. Many believe this was a racial hate crime or an act of drunkenness by Zimmerman, but don’t really care and just want justice for the Martin Family and others who could be faced with a similar situation in Florida. Audio of Zimmerman’s 911 calls was also giving out to the public where he is heard saying, “These bastards always get away…” in an upset and stressed voice. This evidence proves that Zimmerman was feeling some sort of emotional distress against Trayvon. This is a very serious case that will speak on the behalf of many other children or teens out there that could possibly face a similar situation. If there is no justice done today then there will be no peace and assure safety for our teens and our future.
If you feel like justice should be made against Zimmerman here is a link for you to vote for his incarceration:
This story displays a perfect example of how stereotypes are killing our future. I encourage every teen to fight against the stereotypes place against us and begin to create new positive stereotypes where more teens are recognize for success other than the destruction.
                      Trayvon Martin