Community is his calling...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

TWTD: An Unaware Participant in Corruption

How can I be a part of a tragedy I am unaware of? I believe everyone shares a portion of blame for the corruption in today’s society (Although I try to not point the finger as much).
You ask how and why?
As many fight this battle for a world similar to God’s vision there are several reasons why this battle is not yet won. I notice that there are many who want a better world and society to live in, but there are many of those who are unsure where to stand in this battle. Then there are those who seem to be ignorant to change and seemingly to love the corruption of the world we live in so much not because they are just mean but because they are so use to it. Many of those who are unsure and plan to just live their daily lives can be seen as joining the system that’s corrupting our society without ever noticing. Although you may not notice it, you are joining the side of corruption. Many people, as well as myself, tend to grow up trying to fit into today’s system of life instead of believing in a better and different way of living life. For Instance when a child tells themselves, “I wants to become someone rich and famous,” this can be seen as one seeking dominance in a since of join the corruption side. We are made to believe that we must seek dominance in order to become “someone” in life. There are many other ways you can be standing on the wrong side of the battlefield without even noticing it.

However, there are many of those who are trying to better the world but are often put down or belittled. These people are looked at with shame and hatred to some because they are breaking the cycle in which many are so familiar with. That change just seems silly and bad even if the familiar way is corrupting. I want to encourage many to listen to these people and just think about what is being said. I am not asking for people to try to become perfect because you can’t, but I do encourage everyone to notice how they are adding to the corruption in this world and then try to fix them. Although we can’t be perfect, a group of uncorrupting people can’t create the impossible (perfect world), but can definitely create a beautiful and better society for today and the future. I understand and believe it okay if you grow unsure of what the answer is to this very difficult algebra problem (Algebra?………Well that stuff is very difficult to understand). That’s when we have to look at scripture and ask God who would be the teacher who has his Master’s Degree in Mathematics.  God will always be there to answer these types of questions. I want many of my readers to remember that it took a community to destroy and corrupt what God had planned for us, so it takes a community to begin the rebuilding and cleansing of the world.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

TWTD: Unaware Inequality and How a Community can help.

I thought maybe I should cover a topic that many people tend to forget about. I want to speak about inequality and how it still exists throughout our daily lives. I also want to speak about community and the people being our voice for change as well as speaking about a few people who thought differently. As we wake up in the morning and go on through our daily lives, every American of another ethnicity besides Caucasian is being treated differently based on their just because of their skin color. Some notice this difference faster than others. But many of our Caucasian Americans are unaware of their placement on the table of ethnic status. They are placed higher than others. As I read Peggy McIntosh’s article titled White Privilege: UnpackingThe Invisible Knapsack, I began to notice some differences that I was unaware of and many that I thought was familiar. McIntosh called this an “unfair advantage” known as an “invisible package of unearned assets which I can count on cashing in each day, but about which I was meant to remain oblivious.” The assets McIntosh refers to are things such as many huge organization being ran by white males, good education system being found in a predominately white neighborhood, people of the Caucasian race being widely represented on the television and the cover of newspapers and tiny things like flesh colored bandages being only Caucasian’s color. These assets are what I would consider fuel that is added to the racial discrimination fire. I want to make sure people are aware of these privileges and how equal things throughout our daily lives really are.
Although the mainstream discrimination has been cracked down, it still exist and can be seen happening every day. Many of Americans don’t notice these “little” acts of discrimination because we are all still so glad that the battle to end racism is being won. We are like a group of soldier who are fighting a war and seems to be winning and at about ¾’s of this battle we put up our swords and celebrate our not yet won victory. I encourage many people of all ethnicities to open their eyes and notice these things and seek equality. I have many friends and people who noticed the inequality and try to seek change. For Instance, Shane Claiborne, Tony Compolo and Chris Lahr are three great examples of people seeking equality throughout America (all three of these man are Caucasian by the way). There’s two things these three people have in common and that’s the thirst for a better world and developing a community to get theirs and many others voices heard by the world. As I previously stated I encourage many to come together and form a community. An individual voice can't be heard over a distant and clearly, but a community's voice can be heard loud and clear from everywhere. A community can change the world. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

TWTD: Power & Focus

There was a book I read recently by author Kevin Blue called Practical Justice and this book informed me about several issues that we face throughout life as well as in our faiths. In this book Blue spoke about dealing with power in today’s society. When I say “power” I’m referring to the capability to help or change things in this world because of their amount of money, knowledge, or judgment. Many of those who have power tend to either misuse their power or never use it when it at the correct moment. There are some people who tend to never use their power at all because of the fear of failing to please those in need. Many people wish to obtain this sort of power many with different intentions. I can recall myself craving for this type of power so that I can better my family’s life and help out those others who are in need. Blue help me to realize that, although, this may be for the better of my family and hopefully those in need, I am still hoping 100 percent for the wrong power. Blue spoke about putting the power of God (Holy Spirit) before my personal craving of other powers. Once I have put my faith ahead of my personal craving of power I will succeed. I like what Blue spoke of in his book Practical Justice is really good.
Those who think differently are very positive and believe in a better world. I decided that in order for me to make a change I would have to realize where I stand in today’s society and speak in unison. And that’s how many others who are considered someone who thought differently spoke up loud enough to become someone. I encourage many others to join this battle for change but before you grow thirsty of power put your faith first.  

Monday, November 14, 2011

TWTD: The Requirements to Becoming “Someone”

Have you ever wondered if you have what it takes to become someone in this world? When I say “someone” I mean someone who is remembered for his/her efforts of bettering the world. Well more than 50 percent of the world’s population wishes for a better society to live in (either to their standards or others). But there is a much less percentage that actually does. Why? There are many people who are unsure of how to better the world and there are many who believe they don’t have the income or resources to change the world. I believe otherwise; I believe that there are no requirements for becoming someone who wishes to change the world. I believe that if you are a citizen and you thought about a change for the best you have the right resources and income. When I speak of income I am not referring to the amount of currency (money) someone raises, but as the amount of the knowledge someone can consume and the ability to use this knowledge for good. Being a citizen alone allows you to have resources; however, the best resource to have is a community. A single person alone cannot change the world but a community can. A community is similar to a group of herrings, when they travel together their appearance is bigger to their predators. It takes a strong and determined community to create a portion of change in today’s society.
“You are not alone”
In order to become someone who makes the effort for change you must gain the knowledge of these issues and figure out how you can personally help in addition to your community based on your knowledge or possible contributions. This battle is a very hard and long battle and will need as much soldiers as it can to create change.
            I want to speak about a survey done by Richard Edelman in 2009 called the “Good Purpose Survey.” Edelman surveyed 6,000 people ranging from the ages of 18-64 from ten different countries. Edelman wondered how many people out of 6,000 were actually willing to make the world a better place. He found that 83 percent of consumers are willing to change their consumption habits if it can help make tomorrow's world a better place to live. Edelman also found that 64 percent of consumers say they expect brands today to do something to support a good cause. This is just one of many amazing discoveries Edelman found through this survey. These high percentages from only two years ago, makes me wonder “What are the percentages of the entire worlds expectations and willingness?” I want you to ask yourself by the year 2020, “What will be the percentage of Those Who Thought Differently?”

Saturday, November 5, 2011

TWTD: Battles Well Fought Deserve an Applause

I would like to take this time to give a strong round of applause to “Those Who Thought Differently” for the effort to make a change in a world in which it seems impossible. Many of those who have fought this battle understand that the same human race that we’re trying to save is the same race that’s drawling us further from a change. So I congratulate you for you effort not only by writing long and intense passages about you all but by joining this battle. I join this battle to ensure that we remain in this battle as well as end this battle victorious.
I find myself asking, “Why don’t these people want better? Why do they make change so hard when it’s the best thing for us?” However, I was unaware that these people are unaware of the tragedy and corruption that takes place in today’s society. That’s why I plan to inform as many people as a can what some of these issues are. It will take many others to join this battle and inform others of the issues in their part of society.
Someone who thinks differently can be defined as someone who wants a change in their society for the sake of the world. I spoke of a few people who are examples of someone who thought differently and decided to take a stand. These people decided to look more into these issues and speak up for a change. I encourage many to become one of “Those Who Thought Differently.”

Thursday, October 6, 2011

TWTD: Persistency, Spirtuality, and Preparation through battles = Success!

I never thought being or thinking differently could be considered hateful. I never thought wanted to make a change in today’s society could be so complex to the human race. There are some people that believe when a bold individual jumps off this conveyer belt of life and decides that they are not being put together with the right parts they need to live a healthy and blessed life, are thought of as disobedient, self-righteous, stupid, or poor excuses for a human being. I witness a situation where a friend of mine was jumping off the belt into a pile of pledged Americans. This friend is a man who constantly praise for those against him, instead of yelling or debating back. This friend is a co-founder of the well-known Simple Way and a former Eastern University student. He also wrote several books about God’s plan and his mission for the human race. This guy I speak about has made an impact on several believers as well as non-believers today, he is Shane Claiborne.
I witnessed Shane lead an Anti-Gun Rally in 2010 with the support of several friends and family in the Kensington area of Northeast Philadelphia. Shane wanted the gun shop to sign off on an agreement that they will assure they will be a little safer with their gun distributing process. This was just by not selling a single person an excessive amount of firearms. I was asked a week before this event with my friend Mike Rosario, and we were both very excited about doing God’s work. We were also told that there would be an offending side that was pro-gun and we were not to comment on their statements. Mike and I were not very anxious about the offending side because we thought that possibly they were baring arms.
It was a surprising and emotional site for many first viewers like me. I remember Shane, Mike and I approaching the gun store with a huge crowd of supporters holding candles behind us. As soon as the base of our shoes hit the concrete on the opposite side of the gun shop we were insulted and yelled at by the “gun lovers.” There were several harsh comments shouted to us but majority of them were directed to Shane. I heard ignorant comments from “You’re a nappy headed idiot!” to “You’re a Stupid saint who was unsure what this world needed!” Mike and I were unsure whether we should break Shan’s rule stand up for him. It was then we noticed that he was strong and brave enough because he was ignoring the words of these harsh and devilish people. This day showed me that those who think differently are usually slandered in an attempt to alienate them from today’s society.  But once you prepare for these types of actions then you can easily win partial of the battle.
Shane Claiborne showed me that to think differently is a positive quality to possess and when you prepare and continue to take on these issues of our daily lives you will soon become victorious.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Introduction to "Those Who Thought Differently"

Hello everyone, I am Derrick Gregory a college student at Eastern University who witnessed and someday hopes to become someone who had an impact on this world because I thought differently. An example of someone who thinks differently is a person who believes that this world would become a better place if there were fewer wars and more compassion and sharing. There are many people I met in this world who thought differently about a certain aspect of the and how to make it better. For Instance the Simple Way is an organization that was created by a group of Eastern alumni, who quickly after graduation thought this world would be a better place if they called out and searched for those in need (homeless or less fortunate) in the Philadelphia area, and became that light at the end of a this dark tunnel they wondered into. I spoke with many of these founders as well as joined them in service.
 This organization was created more than ten years ago and still continues lend a helping hand to those in need today. Some of the creators are Brooke Sexton, Michael and Michelle Brix, Chris Lahr, Jamie Moffett, Shane Claiborne, and a few others. Over the next few weeks I will discuss and follow up on some of these inspiring people of the Simple Way. However, these creators and many more became a voice that echoed throughout Philadelphia and inspired others who wanted a better world to live in. Here’s a follow up of a few of the co-founders of the Simple Way:
 Brooke Sexton is now a well-known play writer who writes shows full of life and meaning as well as laugher and imagination for people of all ages to perform in front of a live audience. Brooke lives in the Philadelphia area and commits her life to helping others.
Next we have Michael and Michelle Brix, who discovered their love for one another at Eastern University. They also expressed their love for helping others today by doing jobs they enjoy. Michael also had a passion for theatre as well as helping those in need, and now is co-founder of a collaborative arts Theatre company named Yes!...And. This theatre company is like no ordinary theatre company; it’s a company full of passionate kids, young adults, college students, and adults who love expressing their imagination on a stage. Michelle works as a dedicated social worker, who speaks to the elderly who are unable to keep up with payments on their homes. She discusses a way to help these senior citizens and make sure they are living in a home where they’ll live somewhere they can get the up-most care. Michael and Michelle now have a loving family and lives in the Philadelphia area as well.
  There are many more people in this world that think or thought differently to make a change.
            “When two people/groups that are noticing two different issues in the world join together and in unison they can sing a cry for change louder than ever imaginable."           -Derrick Gregory